Mango Lassi

Mango Lassi

  • Amount of Sugar Free Green Powder: 20 grams
  • Amount of Sugar Free Green Powder: 15 grams

  • Serves : 4
  • Cook time : 0-5 minutes
  • Preparation : 10-15 minutes
140 calories saved


  • 1 cup fresh mango pulp
  • 1½ tbsps (15g) Sugar Free Green Powder
  • 3 cups low fat yogurt
  • Crushed ice as required
  • 15-20 pistachios, blanched and slivered

Cooking tips

  • To make the Mango Lassi even more interesting, you can add in cubes of freshly cut mango to it.


  • Transfer mango pulp into a blender. Add Sugar Free Green Powder and blend. Add yogurt and blend again. Add crushed ice and blend to a smooth mixture.
  • Transfer into serving glasses and serve chilled garnished with blanched pistachios.

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