Sugar Free D'lite Dark Chocolate

The No Added Sugar Advantage:
Finally, you can choose taste and dump the calories from sugar. Unlike other chocolates, Sugar Free D’lite is made with natural sweeteners that don’t leave you repenting after you finish off a bar. Go ahead and start indulging!

Flavours Like Never Before:
Great taste requires rich ingredients and Sugar Free D’lite has them in abundance. Be it zesty Orange, crispy Quinoa or almonds, each chocolate bar combines these assorted ingredients with large amounts of Cocoa to give you an unforgettable experience. Take your pick!

More Cocoa, Per Bar:
If you love dark chocolates, Sugar Free D’lite should be your chocolate of choice with its rich Cocoa content. Every bar contains a minimum of 50% Cocoa, which is sure to delight the chocolate connoisseur in you. Next time someone says dark chocolate, you know which chocolate bar to grab for guilt-free indulgence!

Hola Cocoa lovers!
Every bar of Dark Rich Cocoa packs in a minimum of 50% Cocoa to delight your tastebuds.
There’s Orange
and there’s oodles of taste. Grab a pack of Dark Zesty Orange to experience the magical combination of Orange and 50% Cocoa.

Ready to go nuts?
Bite into a delectable combination of 50 % Cocoa, rich hazelnut flavour & roasted almonds and you’re sure to say ‘wow’. Once you take a bite of Dark Hazelnut and Roasted Almonds, you’ll find it hard to put it down.
You will fall in love with this one. Crispy Quinoa, roasted almonds and rich chocolate with a minimum of 50% Cocoa come together in one unforgettable pack – Dark Crispy Quinoa and Roasted Almonds. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever tasted before. Remember the name!

#Maltitol is a polyol which gives natural sweetness
*TM This is only a Brand Name & Trademark and does not represent its true nature