Khus Khus Kheer

Khus Khus Kheer

Khus Khus and Kheer? That sounds like one joyful combination. Double the joy and healthy quotient by adding Sugar Free and chase away the blues. To try this amazing recipe in your kitchen, read below.

  • Serves : 2
  • Cook time : 30 - 60 mins
255 calories saved


  • ½ cup poppy seeds (khus khus), soaked overnight and drained
  • 2 tbsps + 2 cups milk
  • 4 tablespoons rice, soaked
  • A large pinch of saffron
  • 3 Sugar Free Natura Sweet Drops
  • A pinch green cardamom powder
  • Blanched and sliced almonds for garnishing
  • Blanched and sliced pistachios for garnishing

Cooking tips

  • Serve the bowl of hot Khus Khus Kheer garnished with almonds and pistachio slices.
  • Add Sugar Free Natura Sweet drops to give it a healthy twist.


  • Grind poppy seeds with three tbsps rice and two tbsps milk into a smooth paste.
  • Heat two cups milk in a deep non-stick pan, add remaining rice and saffron, mix and bring to a boil.
  • Add ground paste, mix well and cook, stirring continuously, for four-five minutes.
  • Add Sugar Free Natura Sweet Drops, mix well and cook till it thickens and rice and poppy seeds are fully cooked.
  • Add cardamom powder and mix well and simmer for two-three minutes.

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